Episcopal Church of St. Mary

Website Redesign + Print Design

In 2024, The Episcopal Church of St. Mary in Falmouth, Maine approached me with the desire to redesign their website as they entered into the search process for a new priest. Their old website was difficult to manage and did not align with their branding. I also created a Parish Profile for their search process as well. I mainly worked with their Communications Director. St. Mary’s provided all the photography. We completed the project in April 2025.

Website Redesign

St. Mary’s website was being maintained by their Parish Administrator but was in need of professional direction. The new website features more photos and better reflects the vibrant atmosphere of the church. It is easy for volunteers to update since I provided a virtual training session.

Screenshot of the original website home page

Newly redesigned website home page, hosted on Squarespace

Print Design

Because Christ Church was entering into the search process for a new priest, they needed to update their parish profile. I worked with the head of the search committee to compile information and photos for the document and created a brochure-like profile for potential priests to view. You can flip through the document below.


Episcopal Church of the Nativity


Hush Puppy Music Coop